
Task ‘N Go

Task ‘N Go is an innovative platform designed to streamline task management and automation for companies in the IT and service industry. With its intuitive interface, Task ‘N Go helps organizations achieve greater levels of productivity by enriching legacy projects and task management tools.

About This Startup

Brief overview of the unique value proposition or idea.

Task ‘N Go is an innovative platform designed to streamline task management and automation for companies in the IT and service industry. With its intuitive interface, Task ‘N Go helps organizations achieve greater levels of productivity by enriching legacy projects and task management tools.

Problem solving and market potential.

The idea for Task ‘N Go arose over the years while working in the IT sector and encountering numerous issues along the way. Ariton with his 20 years of experience, and Filip with 15 years of experience in the IT sector, have worked on various task management platforms, and observed how these platforms affect the work in the companies. While developing various software solutions for clients, we realized that each client had unique requirements and, as a result, must adopt a different platform, such as Jira, Azure DevOps, MeisterTask, Asana, etc. Unfortunately, these platforms failed to provide them with the desired outcomes, and timely data analysis was a significant challenge. At a certain point, we have used several task management platforms for managing our company that worked for several clients, and we could not have timely data on which resource was used and how much of it was used, because we received the analysis from all platforms for each resource and project in one report after 2-3 weeks. Upon analyzing the results, we were late by 4-5 weeks, which is unfavorable for the client and represents a financial loss for the company. At that moment, we asked ourselves what it would be like if we developed a tool that could work across multiple platforms and integrate data into one database to provide companies with a comprehensive and up-to-date view of their projects and resources, in the interest of becoming more efficient in their operations. To validate the idea, we conducted focus group discussions involving various positions from different companies. The discussions highlighted several issues that underscored the need for a cross-platform tool. However, the team needed to resolve these problems before delivering the cross-platform feature. The first issue was a concern of the end-user, such as developers and designers, who were reluctant to enter data for their daily tasks, resulting in delayed information for the Project and Product Managers. The second issue was with Project Managers, Product Owners, and C-level management who were not aware of project progress and timelines, leading to wrong deadlines, customer dissatisfaction, and a waste of time and money. For example, our team had initially estimated that a project would require 100 hours, but due to incorrect calculations, it took 160 hours, resulting in a delay in the project deadline, customer dissatisfaction, and a loss of 60 hours in the company for development of other projects. After speaking with other companies, they concluded that this was a common problem, especially in the IT industry. Overall, Task ‘N Go is an innovative solution that addresses significant issues encountered by companies that deal with providing services on the market. The tool allows companies to be more efficient in their operations by providing real-time data on the progress of their tasks and projects.

Team's industry experience and expertise.

We are five co-founders, Ariton is 20 years, and Filip 25 years in the IT industry, and both of them have managed multiple startups.

Received investment, current revenue or other tracking metrics.

We received investment from Business Accelerator UKIM.

Phase of investment.


Amount of wanted investment.




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