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Discover, deploy and manage smart-contracts without code!


A digital naturopathic space offering women personalised holistic health coaching from consultations, guided programs to updates on biohacking techniques tailored to their health goals. Have access to short and lower cost programs to meet their busy life demands without compromising on their health. Our platform can have an impact on improvement of working women whom are mothers lives to lead a healthier happier life.

Challenger@work (GRIN IT DOO)

Rewarding employees for their eco-friendly and healthy life-style choices + Helping companies to track and measure their impact, while effectively managing the costs for employees' programs and activities.

Selektiraj otpad

Selektiraj Otpad is a rewarding app that incentivizes people to recycle by allowing them to scan items and earn redeemable points. Our unique value proposition is that we provide a fun and interactive experience while making a positive impact on the environment. Our innovation lies in our software, which provides waste companies and municipalities with a management system that streamlines their operations and improves efficiency.

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