Capital & Good Business Ideas in Macedonia

As the founder of Networker, a company that directly deals with the development of startups, I firmly believe in the next generation of Macedonian businesses that can shape the world. It is precisely for this reason that we appeared as an organizer and investor at the Longest pitch marathon event, where investments were made in the business idea phase for the first time.

Through our work, we noticed a gap between investment capital in our country and good business ideas. The practice of our investors is to invest in businesses that already have some operating results, without taking a higher level of risk. This approach often leaves early-stage startups without the necessary investment capital they need to succeed.

Unfortunately, the most successful Macedonian startups did not receive domestic capital at the early stage when they needed it the most and approached foreign investment funds. In this way, everyone lost something. Macedonian investors missed an opportunity for a good investment, while some startups failed. Some succeeded because they had the IT experience to build a demo, but significantly slower than with support.

This is where Networker comes in as an "insurance policy" for investors and startups. We provide support using our "Google Design Sprints" to influence the development of the first demo of ideas, their adaptation, and testing of a Go-To market strategy. By doing so, we help startups create a strong foundation for success and reduce the risks for investors.

I believe that investing in the development of startups at an early stage is crucial for the growth of our economy and the creation of innovative businesses that can shape the world. At Networker, we are committed to bridging the gap between investment capital and good business ideas in Macedonia, and we will continue to support and invest in promising startups that have the potential to make a significant impact.


Breaking Down Barriers

How many young people haven't dreamed of being successful and achieving most of their goals at a young age? And how many adults have looked back and wondered why a certain event didn't happen differently, or why they made the wrong decision about this or that?

Innovative Solutions for Common Problems

If you think you have a great business idea, you already have an advantage over your competition. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who firmly believe in their idea from the very beginning, relying solely on their knowledge and skills.

From Freelancing to Business Success

Are there chances for prosperity in Macedonia for every young person who sees their future here, instead of outside it? Of course, yes. The only thing they have to do is take advantage of the open opportunities offered to them.

Building a Brighter Future for Artists

Being an entrepreneur means being creative, persistent, and ready to take risks, while never letting your fears limit you from achieving what you want. Clapsify, a young team of talents who managed to secure an investment of 25,000 euros at this year's Longest Pitch Marathon, is proof of possessing all these characteristics.

Path to Building a Better Future Together

As the first fintech company established with domestic capital, we at SN Finance know the value of early-stage financing for startups. It's important to invest in the growth of young people and their ideas to build a better future together. This is something that we take to heart, and we want to make a contribution to our community.

The Importance of Early-Stage Investment

As founders and chief executive directors of the Business Accelerator UKIM, we continuously strive to support the most promising technology entrepreneurs, startups, spin-offs, and fast-growing companies through early-stage investments and tailored mentoring for product and technology development.

Revolutionizing Trading

We continue with the success stories of our Longest Pitch Marathon winners.

My Journey as a Private Investor

As a banker and private investor, I have always sought out companies and businesses that share my values of creating a better and sustainable future for everyone. Over five years ago, I began investing in the 10 best Macedonian companies, which allowed me to feel the satisfaction of impacting someone's business idea.


We are making history for the extraordinary intellectual Macedonian startup community.

Investing in the Potential of Innovative Startup Ideas

As founders of Widnet Solutions, Darko Micskoski and Miroslav Draganov actively participated in the Longest Pitch Marathon with the goal of finding and supporting the most innovative domestic startup ideas. 

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